Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Jack is still waking up about 2 hours after he goes to sleep - but Monday night he only woke up once, at 11:30, and then slept until 6:00. Hopefully that will become a trend! Even better, he went back to sleep right after he ate at 11:30, and I got TWO newborn stretches. :) And he didn't cry at all, either time that he was laid down. Maybe he's feeling better from his shots. I love how sweet he is in the mornings; he just babbles and coos to himself the whole time.

Tuesday night he went to bed at 9:15, and didn't wake up until 3:00. Then he went back to sleep at 3:30 and didn't wake up until 7:00! And he's been waking himself up, not crying, but just making little sounds in his crib until we get him. And hasn't cried when I lay him down at all. It's awesome - hopefully it's a pattern and not a phase!

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